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Constitution and By-laws






Constitution Revision Date: 28 April 2019


Club Number: 1001190


Club Address:  Petawawa Skating Club

Box 133

Petawawa ON

K8H 2X2


















            The Petawawa Skating Club is established to encourage and promote the sport of skating.  The rules of Skate Canada (Hereafter known as SC) must be strictly observed, particularly in matters of finance and publicity.


            This revision of the Club's latest Constitution and Bylaws, adopted Insert date includes amendments which:


  1. Reflect the current policies of Skate Canada.
  2. Incorporate what has become standard operating policy of the Club.
  3. Incorporate decisions of past Board of Directors, which were never formally amended in the Constitution and Bylaws.
  4. Incorporate rules or policies, which will address difficulties in the Club's operation.








______________________________                                     ____________________

President                                                                                 Date





______________________________                                      ____________________

Vice President                                                                                Date



APPENDIX for Information:


  1. A) Liability and Waiver Form
  2. B) Nomination Form
  3. C) General Meeting Proxy Form
  4. D) Board and Committee Member Information Sheet

E)        Skaters Competition Assistance Fund

  1. F) Guest Skating Instructions.
  2. G) Code of conduct for skater, parent, member, or anyone affiliated with the club.
  3. H) Program assistant guide
  4. I) Expense form
  5. J) Revenue form










ARTICLE 1:                NAME OF CLUB


The Name of the Club shall be The Petawawa Skating Clubhereinafter called the Club.





  1. a) A not-for-profit figure skating or skating club, or the figure skating or skating section of a not-for-profit club, that is a member of Skate Canada and is managed by a volunteer board of directors for the general purpose of providing Skate Canada figure skating or skating programs for Skate Canada members [Skate Canada By-law].


  1. b) The Club shall pay such fees and such other charges as shall be required of clubs from time to time by Skate Canada. [Skate Canada By-law)
  2. c) The Club shall abide by all Skate Canada By-laws, rules and regulations as per Skate Canada By-law.


  1. d) The Club is located in the Ontario Section of Skate Canada.





  1. a) The purpose of the Club shall be to encourage the instruction, practice, enjoyment and advancement of its members in all aspects of skating through instruction in accordance with the Rules, Policies and Procedures of Skate Canada.


  1. b)The Club, with regard to any aspect of its operation is to be managed and operated by eligible persons who are duly registered as Associate Members of Skate Canada By-law


  1. c) The Club shall protect the eligibility status of its members. The Club shall not take or omit any action that would knowingly jeopardize the eligible status of its members.


  1. d) The Club shall operate only Skate Canada figure skating and skating programs.


  1. e) Only Skate Canada Professional Coaches are permitted to teach figure skating and skating in the Club.



ARTICLE 4:                LIABILITY


The Club shall not be responsible for any damages, injury, or loss of property to any member, guest or visitor to the Club regardless of the reason or nature of such damage, loss or injury. Every member, guest or visitor shall use the Club facilities at his or her own risk. The Club recommends the use of its Liability Waiver form (see Appendix A)for any activities involving any person(s) or agency(s). All program registration forms are to contain an appropriate Liability Clause/ Waiver. The Club shall participate in the Skate Canada Club Liability and Member Accident Insurance programs [Skate Canada By-law].Appendix A contains a copy of the Clubs Liability Waiver Form.





 If any improper conduct by an individual(s) that is directed at and offensive to another individual(s) in the club and which the individual(s) knew or ought reasonably to have known would cause offence or harm. It also includes all Skate Canada policies on Harassment, bullying, discrimination, and the code of ethics, which all can be found in the info center on Skate Canada’s website. This Policy applies to all that are affiliated with the club.  It comprises any objectionable act, comment or display that demeans, belittles or causes personal humiliation or embarrassment, or any act of intimidation or threat.  It includes harassment within the meaning of the Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA).Harassment in any way, shape, or form will not be tolerated in the Club. The Board will deal with all discrepancies submitted in writing, on a case-by-case basis, following the Skate Canada’s Club Dispute Resolution Policy.  Violations of the policy and may result in offender(s) membership termination, ban and/or subsequent Skate Canada involvement.



ARTICLE 6:                BY-LAWS OF THE CLUB


  1. a) The By-laws, appended to this Constitution, shall describe the organization and functions of the Club, and the means by which members of the Club may elect the Club Board of Directors and control the property and activities of the Club.


  1. b) The By-laws, Rules and Regulations of Skate Canada and those of the Section in which the Club operates shall take precedence over any Club By-laws [Skate Canada By-law].


  1. c) Any Club By-law contrary to the By-laws, Rules and Regulations of Skate Canada and those of the Section shall be invalid. It is acknowledged that any provincial statute governing a club has precedence over any inconsistent Skate Canada by-law relating to that club. [Skate Canada by-law]










By-law 1                          MEMBERSHIP

By-law 1.1     Club Membership

Membership in the Club shall be open to all, irrespective of sex, age, creed or Cultural background. Membership registration dates, times and other associated scheduling shall be at the discretion of the Board of Directors and/or those dictated by Skate Canada regulations or directives.


By-law 1.2     SC and Club By-laws, Rules and Regulations

The Board shall create and enforce rules, by-laws and policies as required for safe and efficient conduct of Skate Canada and Club's programs. All members shall uphold, observe and conform to the By-laws, Rules and Regulations of Skate Canada, the By-laws of the Club and such regulations as made by the Board of Directors of the Club. Rules are listed further in this document.


By-law 1.3     Membership Fees

Members of the Club shall be registered with Skate Canada and pay such registration and other fees to Skate Canada as set from time to time by Skate Canada. (See Skate Canada By-law)


By-law 1.4     Member in Good Standing

For a member of the Club to be considered in good standing with the Club, that member must pay Club fees as are stipulated by the Club Board of Directors, for the membership year in question. All club fees can be divided into equal payments as directed by the Board and will be paid, in full, by the dates stipulated by the Board of Directors. Members will be considered in arrears if payment arrangements or any other outstanding fees, become incomplete and not rectified within 30 days of original payment date. Members in arrears shall not be allowed to either enter the ice surface and/or be able to participate in competitions, test days, ice shows or other club activities, until outstanding fees have been paid. Appropriate payment arrangements are at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Termination of club membership may result if no arrangements for and collection of outstanding fees is accomplished.


By-law 1.5     Setting of Club Fees and Skating Hours

Fees, skating rules and skating hours of the Club shall be as the Board of Directors decides from time to time. Club membership shall commence on the first day of the Skate Canada membership year, 1 September, or the date that fees are paid (whichever is the latter) and terminate on the last day of the Skate Canada membership year, 31 August.


By-law 1.6     Disciplinary Action


The Board of Directors may suspend, ban or expel any member or any spectator, parent or Guardianfor acting contrary to the By-laws, Rules and Regulations of Skate Canada or of the Club.


Disciplinary Action:

The Board will only commence Disciplinary Action when a formal verbal or written letter of complaint is forwarded to the Board. A formal verbal complaint must be recorded and brought forward at the next board meeting. The Petawawa Skating Club board will review this complaint.

Upon receiving a formal verbal or written letter of complaint outlining a violation of the Code of Conduct/Ethics or club Policies, the Board will review the complaint, determine if any action is warranted, and advise all parties involved of the action(s) being taken as deemed appropriate by the Board.


In the case of a serious breach of conduct, may result in immediate suspension at the Board’s discretion and reported to Skate Canada. In cases of suspension or expulsion, no refund of any kind will be granted.


All disciplinary action will be carried out in accordance with all Club and Skate Canada’s Policies.

1st Offence:

Verbal warning:  This will be given by a member of the Board of Directors. Then documented at the next board meeting.


2nd Offence:

Letter from the Board will be addressed to the party involved, outlining the nature of the violation and disciplinary actions if any.

3rd Offence:


Any skater, may be Suspended, banned or expelled from all Club programs or events without compensation for a period determined from the board. Written complaints relating to any breach of the Club and or Skate Canada’s policies by spectators, Parents or Guardians may result in suspension from the arena for a designated period of time at the Board’s discretion.




By-law 1.7 Classes of Club Membership

The classes of membership, eligibility and privileges shall be as follows:        

Individual membership:  Non-skating members who have paid the fees as set by the club and are Associate Members of Skate Canada. Individual members of legal age of 18 shall be entitled to one vote at each Annual General Meeting and Special Meeting of the Club. Included are club Board of Directors, Skate Canada Officials and other adults serving on club committees.

Active Membership:  All eligible skaters who participate in a Club Skating Program and who have paid the fees as set by the club and are Associate Members of Skate Canada. All Active Members of the legal age of 18 shall be entitled to one vote at each Annual General Meeting and Special Meeting of the Club. (Underage Active Members have no vote but may be represented by Special Members).

Special Membership:  Parent or guardian of legally underage Active Members who have paid the fees as set by the Club and are Associate Members of Skate Canada.

Partial Membership:  All eligible skaters who are Associate Members or Restricted Members of Skate Canada through another HOME club and have paid a reduced fee as set by the Club, or Members of the Petawawa Skating Club who are in, or entering into, their final year of high school or under special circumstances at the discretion of the Board. Applications to this must be in writing. Non Home Club Partial members have no vote but may have a voice at the Annual General Meeting or Special Meetings of members.

Honorary Membership:  The Annual Meeting of members may elect any person as an Honorary Member of the club. An Honorary Member shall be exempt from club dues(but not Skate Canada dues) shall not have interests in the assets of the Club nor vote at meetings of the club unless otherwise qualified. They may have a voice at the meetings of the club.

Restricted Membership:  A restricted member is an individual who is a paid employee (of the club, Section or Association), a non-active coach, a performing professional skater or a professional dance partner. A restricted member is not permitted to hold elected office, may not vote at meetings, is not permitted to compete in competitions, and is not permitted to officiate at tests or competitions. [See Skate Canada By-law].

Active Member (Non voting rights): PreCanSkate, Parent and Tot, CanPower, Synchronized Skating Team members who are not enrolled in another club program as well as Members of Off Season programs have no voting rights but may have a voice at the Annual General Meeting or Special Meetings of members.


By-law 1.8 Membership Period

By-law 1.8.1     Skate Canada membership period.  All eligible skaters’ must be an associate member of SC whose membership year is from 1 Sept – 31 Aug.

By-law 1.8.2      Club Membership period.  Club membership shall follow SC membership year from 1 Sept – 31 Aug.  Registration shall be accepted throughout the membership period as room permits.   



By-law 2         CLUB MANAGEMENT

By-law 2.1           Eligibility to Serve

All Club Board of Directors shall be eligible persons and shall be of legal age (18 years). They must be members in good standing of the club and be Associate Members of the Association. Skate Canada By-law.


By-law 2.2             Members of Board of Directors, Committees and Delegate to Skate Canada

The members of the Board of Directors, members and Chairs of committees, and the Club Delegate to Skate Canada must be members in good standing of the Club, be registered as Associate Members of Skate Canada, be of legal age, and be eligible persons (with the exception of the Coaching Representative) as defined by Skate Canada Rules. Once elected to office a “Board Member Information Sheet” Appendix D is to be completed and kept on file.

By-law 2.3             General Management of the Club

The general management of the club shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of:

·              Immediate Past President

·              President

·              Vice-president

·              Secretary

·              Treasurer

·              Director - Programs

  • Director - Registration
  • Director - Competitions

·              Director -Test chair

·              Director - Ice Allocation / Off Seasons

·              Director - Publicity

·              Director - Coaches Liaison

  • Director - Fundraising
  • Director - Synchro coordinator

·              Coaching Representative


The management of the club shall abide by all Skate Canada rules and regulations, governing the operation of a club. All of the above positions, with the exception of the Past President and the Coaching Representative shall be elected for a one year term at the Annual General Meeting. The Coaching Representative shall be elected annually by and from within the coaches of the club as per Skate Canada by-laws. The Past President shall be ex-officio and shall hold office until a new President has been duly elected. Board of Directors/Executive meetings will normally be closed to the general membership and accessed by invitation only. Minutes from meetings will be available for all members to remain updated on executive activities.  


By-law 2.4             Holding of Board of Directors Office

The Board of Directors shall hold office until the close of the meeting at which their successors have been duly elected. Any member of the Board of Directors, may be removed by the members by a 2/3 majority vote at a Special General Meeting duly called for that purpose. All Board Members’ can hold multiple positions on the Board, should the need to fill these positions be required due to casual vacancy.

By-law 2.5             Voting at Board of Directors Meetings

A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of 50% plus 1of the individual committee chair members or their delegates on the Board of Directors, including the Board Chair. NOTE: Questions arising at any meeting of the Board of Directors shall be decided by a majority of votes. The meeting chair may vote only when the vote would change the result. Therefore the chair may vote to break a tie, and thus pass the motion, or to create a tie, and thus defeat a motion. A majority of the Board of Directors shall form a quorum. [Skate Canada By-law]


By-law 2.6             Board of Directors Vacancies

Casual vacancies occurring between the Annual General Meetings of the Club may be filled, until the next annual General Meeting by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board of Directors or in the case of the Coaching Representative, by the coaching staff.


By-law 2.7             Board Member Absenteeism and/or Leave of Absences

All Board members who require a temporary leave of absence may be granted it upon submission of a letter of request, stating details of request with an estimated date of return to the Board. Such a request must accompany the recommendation for a club member, in good standing, to replace the Board member during their absence only if their position on the Board does not have an existing alternate stated in this document or it’s bylaws. Only under exceptional circumstances will a leave of absence (LOA) extend beyond six (6) months consecutively and only with approval of the Board. If a Board of Directors member is absent for more than three consecutive scheduled Board of Directors meetings, without good cause and/or without prior notification to the President or Secretary, then that office may be declared vacant by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.All members of the Board may resign upon submitting a written resignation.



Roles and Responsibilities

By-law 2.7.1     Responsibilities of the Board of Directors


·      Meet regularly and maintain minutes of each meeting.

  • To manage the overall operation of the club while observing the Skate Canada Code of Ethics (copy of code of ethics can be found Skate Canada’s website)

·      To annually review and make recommendations regarding proposed amendments to the Club Constitution and Bylaws.

·      Select and appoint the members of all standing and special committees.

·     To promote the objectives of the Club and keep the Club membership informed of the Board's work and to administer all activities and business as required for the Club's operation.

·      All communications and activities containing the club name/Platinum Edge or is affiliated with the club must first obtain approval from the board.

·      Develop and follow approved budget for the skating year




By-law 2.7.2     Role of the President

·     Shall be responsible for the overall operation of the Club and all its facets and shall ensure all decisions’ of the Board are carried out.

·     Shall act as Chairperson of all Board of Directors and General meetings

·     Shall appoint committee directors and delegate specific duties to Board members, serve as an ex-officio member of all Standing or Special committee(s)

·     May exercise all the duties and powers of the Board, at his/her discretion, with the understanding that such actions must be placed before the Board at the next meeting for ratification.

·     In his/her absence, the Vice-president will fill this duty.



By-law 2.7.3     Role of the Vice President   

·      Shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of the President in his/her absence.

·      Shall assist the President, as required, may serve as a Director or member of a Standing or Special committee(s) and shall carry out such duties as delegated by the President.







By-law 2.7.4     Role of the Treasurer

·      Shall be responsible for the safe control of all club funds and deposit all funds of the Club in such banks, or other institutions, as may be designated by the Board of Directors.

·      Prepare and submit to the Board of Directors, an annual budget and keeping such records as are required for financial audit.

  • Prepare and presents current financial reports at board meetings.

·      Prepare an annual financial statement.

·      Any two of the President, any director as elected to do so and the Treasurer shall sign all cheques and appropriate documents. It is recommended that the Treasurer be one of the signatories.

·      The Treasurer shall also ensure all Club funds are in the form of cash, chequing and/or saving Accounts to maximise return for Club's funds and issue receipts for all monies collected on behalf of The Club.

·      The Treasurer shall pay all Club expenses by cheque or other auditable method and ensure that accounting books are ready for audit.

·      The Treasurer will serve as Director and shall carry out such duties as delegated by the President.



By-law 2.7.5     Role of the Secretary

·      The Secretary shall deal with all correspondence subject to the approval of the President or his/her Delegate

·      Shall issue all notices for Board of Directors and general meetings, shall take minutes at all meetings, and shall have them prepared for review by the President within seven (7) days of the Meeting.

·      The Secretary will serve as Director and shall carry out such duties as delegated by the President.



By-law 2.7.6     Role of the Director(s)

The Director(s) shall be responsible for their respective portfolios and recruit assistance from the membership as required.  The director shall verbally report of their respective activities at all Board of Directors meetings and prepare a written report to be presented at the clubs Annual General meeting.    Ice Allocation Director  


  • Book all club ice.

·      To work with coaching staff to develop schedule for club programs based on ice availability.

  • To maintain close liaison with the club coaches, Skate Canada, test director, program director, arena staff and other user groups.
  • Inform members of schedule changes.    Publicity Director


·          Co-ordinate the production of a regular club newsletter.

·          Co-ordinate submissions to local newspapers and Section Publications.

·          To ensure all activities of the Club are publicized in all appropriate media.

·          Ensure all articles have been approved by the Board.

·          Ensure any information is made available to club Webmaster for uplifter.

·          Publish information to the Club’s Facebook.   Fundraising Director


·          Be responsible for the Club's fund raising other than those funds received through registration fees.                  

·          To ensure that, if the Club uses skaters for fund raising projects, the eligibility status of those skaters is protected.

·          Oversees all club fundraising initiatives providing guidance as to how they should be conducted, and reports required.   Programs Committee Director

Members: Minimum of one representative for each session of PreCanSkate, CanSkate, CanPower, StarSkate and Advanced StarSkate.


  • Encourage and try to recruit session reps for the above sessions.
  • Encourage and promote the fun aspects of skating.
  • Is responsible for all aspects of Club Programs
  • Liaise with parents of club program skaters with respect to questions and complaints.
  • Inform skaters and parents of the requirements and principles of the programs.

·          Provide administrative assistance to club coaches and Program Assistants.

·          Liaise with coaches.    Test Chair (Director)


·          Encourage and promote the fun aspects of skating.

·          Is Responsible for all aspects of the StarSkate and Competitive tests in the Club.

·          Inform coaches and skaters of upcoming test days.

·          Organise and conduct any evaluation/test days hosted by the Club.

·          Locate suitable away evaluation/test days for skaters, if requested by the skater's coach.

·          Encourage members to work towards becoming officials.

·          Maintain contact with the Section Judges Committee.   Registration Director


·           Co-ordinate member registration events

·           Maintain accurate records of all members  

·           Keep files of all registration forms for the current skating year.

·           Prepare SC registrations for all Regular and Board members, including any officials or coaches registered with the Club.

·           Verify with uplifter that all applicable membership fees are paid.

·           Maintains members accounts within uplifter.
   Coach Liaison (Director)


·          When required solicit new coaches for the Club.

·          Review all applications from coaches and recommend to the Board candidates for the position of Club Coach(s).

·          Negotiate coach service provider agreements on behalf of the Board.

  • Presents to the board requests for non-club coaching privileges during regular season.
  • Maintain records and submit reports, as required, about each coach registered by the Club.
  • Ensure that coach contracts are completed and signed in appropriate time line.   Competitions Director


·           In co-ordination with the Test Skating Director, the Recreational Director and the coach(s) ensure maximum participation of all skaters.

·           Ensure all competitions are announced so skaters are aware.

·           Co-ordinate with Board Communications Director for publication of competition results in the appropriate media.
  Synchro Co-coordinator


  • The Synchrocoordinator is responsible for reporting any necessary issues involving synchronized skatingto the club's Board during monthly meetings.
  • Present individual team budgets to the board.
  • Presents financial and fundraising requests from the teams.
  • Ensure managers have access to Synchro Mangers Handbook.










By-law 2.7.7     Role of the Coach

The coach(s) shall be responsible for the delivery and supervision of all on ice programs in conjunction with Skate Canada program delivery standards observing the “PROFESSIONAL COACHES’ CODE OF ETHICS” as defined by Skate Canada. (A copy of code of ethics can be found in the members only section of the Skate Canada website)





By-law 2.8             Rules of Order

Rules of order for all meetings, General and Board of Directors, shall be guided by the principles of Roberts Rules of Order, a guide to running meetings and conferences, (, but may be altered at the discretion of the President, to accommodate meeting needs while maintaining consistency with the by-laws, of the Club or special rules of the Association (Skate Canada By-law).



By-law 3                 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING


By-law 3.1     Timing, Quorum, Special Meeting Request

An Annual General Meeting shall be held within 90 days after the end of regular skating season programs and open to the general membership. Other general meetings may be held from time to time upon the request of the Board of Directors or upon written request of 10 per cent of Club Members. A quorum for an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting shall be 10 per cent of the eligible-voting members.


By-law 3.2     Written Notice

Written notice of all Annual General Meeting and Special Meetings shall be provided, a minimum of 15 days in advance for eligible voting members to prepare for the AGM. The notice shall include the time and place of the meeting, the agenda, full details of any proposed amendments to these By-laws, and a complete list of the candidates nominated for elections.


By-law 3.3     Nominations

Nominations may be submitted to the president preferably 3 day before the General Meeting at which an election is to be held, by any elected Board members or any Individual members of legal age or any special members as defined in theses bylaws who is in good standing.  Each nominee must indicate acceptance in writing prior to the commencement of the General meeting. In addition written nominations from the floor at the Annual General Meeting will be accepted.  (For form see Appendix B) 



By-law 3.4     Voting on Club Elections


Voting on Club elections shall be by secret ballot (if a vote is required) and a simple majority shall elect a candidate. Voting on other matters may be by a show of hands.

Board members must carry their own vote as a Board delegate and may carry a maximum of 4 proxies.




By-law 3.5        Eligibility to Vote

Voting for club elections or on any matters pertaining to skating shall be restricted to eligible club members who are registered as Associate Members of Skate Canada and are 18 years of age, Coaching representative(s) and to Special Members of the club voting on behalf of their underage children (who are members of the club and registered as an Associate Member of Skate Canada). Special Members shall be restricted to one vote per childregistered through the club. If not able to attend the AGM or Special meeting the eligible member may vote by proxy (Appendixes B and C contain Board of Directors nomination form, ballot form, and voter proxy form).(Photocopying of all attached appendix forms is approved and recommended by the Board).


By-law 3.6     Order of Business

The order of business at an Annual General Meeting of the Club will normally be as follows, however, the President may adjust the order of business to suit meeting circumstances:


·              Reading of the Notice of Meeting

·              Quorum Required

·              Approval of Agenda

·              Minutes of the preceding General/Special meeting

·              Confirmation of the actions taken by the Board of Directors

·              President’s Remarks/Report

·              Treasurer’s Report (Annual Financial Statement)

·              Committee Reports

·              Election of Board of Directors

·              Amendments to the Constitution and By-laws

·              Appointment of Auditors (as applicable)

·              New Business

·              Question and Answer period for members concerns

·              Adjournment













By-law 4                     AMMENDMENTS of BY-LAWS


The President or his/her delegate may from time to time amend this constitution and/or its by-laws to incorporate any minor administrative changes from the club, Section or Skate Canada. Any changes will be of an administrative nature for safety or other structural reasons. At no time will the initial intent of the contents of this document be altered in any way shape or form.


By-law 4.1        Right to Submit, Process for Submitting

Any member of the Club, in good standing, may propose an amendment to the Constitution or by-laws of the club. This proposal must be submitted in writing to the Club Board of Directors. The proposed amendment(s) will be presented to the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting(s). All amendments must be submitted at least 14 days before the respective meeting. No amendment(s) to the Constitution or By-laws of the Club shall be accepted from the floor at any meeting.


By-law 4.2     Interim Amendments

By-laws may be enacted or amended by a majority vote (50% plus 1) of the Board of Directors whenever required. The members must present such by-laws or amendments at the next General Meeting for ratification. If they fail to be ratified, they will cease to be effective and may not be re-enacted by the Board of Directors for one calendar year.


By-law 4.3     Voting of Amendments

Any amendment, to be accepted or ratified, must pass by a vote of 2/3 of those eligible to vote and present or represented by proxyat an Annual General or Special Meeting of the Club.

By-law 4.4     Effective Force of Amendments to By-laws

All amendments to the by-laws upon receiving approval of any general or special meeting of members and upon approval of the provincial government (if applicable) shall come into force immediately or on a date specified for same. All such amendments shall be submitted to Skate Canada. Skate Canada reserves the right of refusal of any amendment. Such refusal shall only be made if the intent of such amendment is to violate, in principle or spirit, any Skate Canada rule and/or by-law.





By-law 5                 CLUB FINANCES

By-law 5.1     Funds

The Treasurer or their designate shall deposit all funds of the Club in such banks or other institutions as assigned by the Board of Directors. All collection and disbursements of club funds shall be by cheque or other auditable document.   All funds collected for the Petawawa Skating Club must collectedunder the Petawawa Skating Club Name and not individual persons. Persons collecting on behalf of the Petawawa Skating club need to be sanctioned/approved by the board. 

                        By-law 5.1.1  Club Events

All club events shall have an events coordinator.  Any event expense shall be submitted to the event coordinator. The event coordinator is responsible for compiling all expense forms and submitting them to the Treasurer. The coordinator must ensure that all expenses fall within the clubs approved budget. Expense form (Appendix I) shall be used by any person who has spent funds for PSC.

All persons collecting on behalf of the Petawawa Skating Club are responsible for filling out the clubs revenue form (Appendix J) and submit to the Treasurer.


Authority to Use Funds

The Board is authorised to expend resources in support of the Club's operation in accordance with the approved budget. The Board may adjust the allocation of funds to budget line items; provided the overall planned budgetary expenditure is not exceeded.


By-law 5.2    Expenditure Approval  

All expenditures, not already approved in the budget, shall be approved by the Board and recorded in the minutes of the Board meeting.  If prior to the next meeting, an expenditure (not exceeding $500.00) must be made, the President, one Board member ANDthe Treasurer or delegate shall give interim approval and the item shall be ratified at the next meeting.


By-law 5.3    Deviation from Budget

Under extraordinary circumstances the Board may, with a 2/3 in favour vote of the majority, deviate from approved budget to ensure smooth operation of the Club.


By-law 5.4     Signing Authority

Two (2) out of three (3) signatures are required on all cheques.  The Treasurer, the President and one other Board Member shall have signing authority for the Club's funds.  The Treasurer is authorized to pay Club bills via etransfer, as this is an auditable transaction/document and be included in financial reporting.



By-law 5.5      Raffle Requirement’s


All raffles must be covered by a Town of Petawawa Lottery License.  Raffles are defined as any 50/50 draws, stub/ticket draws, elimination draws, and meat spins/ turkey rolls. Conducting of any raffle must abide by all Town of Petawawa by laws. All raffles must be reported to the town within 30 days and the Club’s Treasurer.


By-law 5.6     Travel Expenses

The Club may on occasion, when approved by the Board, reimburse travel expenses. The maximum amount, allowable for reimbursement, will not exceed the maximum allowed by SC rules. 


By-law 5.7     Skaters Competition Assistance Fund


To assist with registration, travel, accommodation, and/or coaching expenses incurred by skaters representing the Petawawa Skating Club at sanctioned Skate Canada (SC) competitions. Provincials (Super Series star 5+ or as determined by SC) or Sectional Championship (Pre-novice+ or as determined by SC), and Synchronized Skating team qualifying for Provincials (pre-juv+ or as determined by SC). (For form see Appendix E)  To be reviewed by board yearly, taking the financial position of the club into account.





  1. The skater must be registered as a member of the club (club #1190) with SC for the current and preceding skating season.
  2. The skater and family must be in good standing with the club and SC.
  3. A member of the skater’s family must be an ACTIVEmember of the PSC. (see below for definition of active member as it pertains to this by-law)
  4. The skater must be enrolled on the StarSkate / Advance StarSkate session of the PSC.





A skater meeting the above conditions qualifies for the following support options during a skating year.

  1. Super series (Star 5+) skater that entered to be ranked, can apply for funding equal to ½ registration fee for one event. If qualifying for provincials, skaters can apply for additional funding.
  2. Any skater (Pre-novice+) placing at Sectional who qualifies for a subsequent SC sanctioned competition can apply for additional funding at the discretion of the board.
  3. Synchro team (Pre-juv+ or as determined by SC) qualifying for Provincials/ nationals can apply to have club cover the cost of registration for the event.




An Active Member of the club is defined as:


  1. The skater or a family member is an active participant on the PSC executive. (they must attend a minimum of 75% of the executive meetings and carry out the full duties of their position)
  2. The skater or family member participates in a least 5 approved club activities such as…..
  3. Program Assistant                                            
  4. Actively fundraises for the club (not to include registration fundraiser or Synchro)
  5. Co-ordinates or assists coordinator of the club Christmas Party          
  6. Chairs PSC sub-committee as deemed necessary by club executive
  7. Co-ordinates or assists coordinator club Year End Banquet      
  8. Volunteers at any skating event/Bingo
  9. Plays music during winter session  
  10. Any other volunteer work deemed necessary by the clubs executive



By-law 5.8     Financial Review

A person designated by the Board of Directors shall make a review of the financial transactions of the Club each year and the financial statements shall be made available to the membership of the Club. Club financial transactions shall be reviewed yearly. The term 'review' means a review of the Annual Financial Statement and the supporting schedules and source documents. It is preferable that the reviewer be a professional accountant. If not a professional accountant, someone other than the treasurer from outside the club should be appointed to conduct the review and to sign a letter that they have completed the review by a defined date.



By-law 5.9     Dissolution

 In the event that the club ceases to exist, the current Board Members will unanimously decide the appropriate dispersal of club assets.



By-law 5.10 Fees

NOTE: SC Rule 2102 states that "The Association does not recognize as a member of a club, an Individual who is given membership privileges under conditions, or at fees, which are not the same as those established for the membership of the club in the same classification. Everyone who is registered for any level will pay the same fee for that level.



By-law 5.11Structure

The Board shall set fees for the Club members, as well as payment scheduling. All Regular members shall pay an annual membership fee. The Board, at their discretion, may set a Family membership fee. In addition, all skating members shall pay the appropriate fees for each level/period in which the member wishes to participate in, according to the fee schedule set by the Board, which includes all SC registration fees.


By-law 5.12Special sessions 

Spring, summer, fall sessions are not considered part of the regular skating season.  The Board may set a separate fee schedule for these sessions. Non-Club skaters participating in such special sessions are not required to pay the annual Club membership fee, only fees associated with the special session, but must hold a valid SC membership.


By-law 5.13Partial Fees

A member registering for a regular skating season after November 1st of the current season may pay a reduced fee.



By-law 5.14SC Membership Fee

The Skate Canada membership fee is non-refundable and must be paid in full regardless of the date of registration.



By-law 5.15Club Program(s) Fee

Registration fees are based on the number of weeks in the current regular season and will be calculated and reviewed yearly according to program prior to accepting registration for the skating year and will be noted in the Executive meeting notes.  Any applicable coaching fees for programs where coaching is provided by the club will be factored in to the cost of those programs. Annual club memberships may be subject to a non-refundable administration fee as determined by the Board of Directors, to be reviewed yearly prior to accepting registration for the skating year and will be noted in the Executive meeting notes.


By-law 5.16Partial Membership 

Occasionally at the discretion of the Board, after all registration is completed, available space may be offered on a partial membership basis. These partial memberships may be offered to Home Club students in, or entering into, their final year of high school, under special circumstances at the discretion of the Board or Non- Home Club StarSkate skaters. Fees for partial membership will be calculated as follows:

·              Session fees for these groups will be pro-rated to the amount paid by a regular member in the selected level to which an administrative fee shall be added (board to review fee at beginning of each year and note in the minutes the amount)

·              Session fees will be calculated for Home Club and Non Home Club members on a Sessions used (User Pay) basis.

·              There will be no refund of fees for anysession(s) not attended.


By-law 5.17Guest Skating

Guest Skating will be offered to a maximum of 25 Skaters per session. Guest skating registration will be done as per the Guest Skating Instruction (Appendix F).


By-law 5.18Gifts

At the discretion of the Board a gift may be given to a member if he/she or a member of his/her immediate family passes away, is hospitalised, suffers from a serious illness or other circumstances deemed appropriate. Gifts of thanks for years of service to the club may be given as well.


By-law 5.19Refunds

Refund of fees will not normally be given. At the discretion of the Board, refunds may be given if notice of the withdrawal from the skating session(s) is given to the Board at any time during the season if the reason for withdrawal is medical. Refunds will be based on the date the request for refund was received or the last day of skating whichever is later (all dollar amounts shall be rounded down to the even dollar). Refunds, if agreed to by the Board will be calculated on a basis of remaining weeks in the current season or any unused portion remaining of a previously paid installment. No refunds after will be made after 2/3of the program is completed. The Board on a case-by-case basis will determine refunds for non-regular season programs. (i.e. Spring, Summer, Fall Schools etc.)







By-law 5.20Reimbursement of Clinic/Seminar Fees

The Board may from time to time approve, keeping in mind the conflict of interest rules, the reimbursement of clinic fees using the following guideline:


Board member/club volunteer- Clinic fees to include registration fee and/or actual expenses for transportation and/or lodging can be reimbursed if the Board deems that the Club will benefit from the member attending the clinic/seminar. A number of hours of volunteer work from the member may be requested prior to reimbursing the pre-approved amount.

Coach - Clinic/seminar fees to including registration and/or actual expenses for transportation and/or lodging will be approved if the Board deems that the Club will benefit from the coach(s) attendance.  Reimbursement will be done after completion of the event and presentation of the original receipts.



By-law 5.21 Service Provider Agreements

If feasible, the Board shall have signed Agreements with all persons or organizations providing a service or facility to the Club. The document should be mutually agreed upon between the Person(s)/Service Provider and the Club.





By-law 6.1     Class Size

The number of skaters in each level of the recreational program shall be limited and subject to the availability of Coaches and Program Assistants. The Board may adjust the limits for any level, after consideration of Coach and Program Assistant experience and availability of skaters.The ratio of Coaches and Program Assistants to skaters shall normally be as follows:


PreCanSkate:  At least one Coach per session and at least one Program Assistant per five skaters.

CanSkate:  At least one Coach per session and at least one Program Assistant per ten level 4 and above skaters and at least one Program Assistant per five level 3 and below skaters.

StarSkate:  The number of skaters in each STAR-Skate level shall normally be limited to 25 skaters for a session period.

CanPower:  The number of skaters in each CanPower level shall normally be limited to 25 skaters for a session period. Exceptions can be made based on level of participants and coaching staff.



By-law 6.2      Programs and Eligibility


All programs will be reviewed at the beginning of each skating season to determine if numbers and program eligibility need be revised.  Any revisions to be noted in the Executive Meeting notes.  The Board on the head coaches recommendation shall have the final decision with respect to a member's ability to satisfy eligibility requirements. As a Guideline the eligibility requirements for each program are as follows:


PreCanSkate :  Shall be three years of age, up to the discretion of the coaching staff.


Parent and Tot: at discretion of the head coach.


CanSkate:  Shall be five years of age on or before December 31st, of the current regular skating season, or if under five years of age, be recommended to the Board by the CanSkate Coach.



StarSkate:  Shall be training for advancement in the SC Test and/or Competitive Program. The entry requirements for each level shall be:



StarSkate: are those who meet the conditions of membership and are working on Stage 6 CanSkate up to and including the Star 1-4 Programs. This level includes group instruction and is intended to ease the skater into the StarSkate program


Advance StarSkate:are those who meet the conditions of membership and have completed as a minimum requirement, Star 5. All instruction (except stroking) is by private lessons, arranged directly with coach.


CanPower: this is not a learn to skate program and the emphasis is on developing skills, all Skaters must be able to skate forward and backwards without assistance. 


AdultSkate: For adults who want to take up a Canadian tradition of Skating, A Skate Canada Coach/ PA is present on all sessions to work with the group.  Ability varies from beginner to advance.


SynchroSkate: Synchronized skating will be offered from CanSkate to Adult as numbers warrant.




By-law 7                 PROGRAM ASSISTANTS & PA’s IN TRAINING


By-law 7.1     Definitions:

Program Assistants:  Mature skaters or Volunteer adult who will dedicate themselves throughout the entire CanSkate season.  Must be reliable, a good role model, able to lead activities in a creative and enthusiastic manner, and follow the directions of the CanSkate coach.  The Program assistant is required to inform the session coach in advance if you are unavailable for any session. PA’s assist in CanSkate group session format only. Police check with vulnerable sector check required if 18 years of age or older. Letter from the club can be obtained by email request, and a copy of the completed report shall be kept on file by the registrar and the person must pay Skate Canada fee as per discretion of the Board.

Program Assistants in Training:  Junior/Senior skaters under 12 years of age and/or do not meet the Program Assistant criteria, but will dedicate themselves throughout the entire CanSkate season. The Program assistant in training is required to inform the session coach in advance if you are unavailable for any session PA’s in training assist in CanSkate group session format only.


By-law 7.2     Eligibility

Along with the requirements, listed above, the PA or PA in training must be a member of Skate Canada and suitability is subject to the discretion of the Board or Directors and CanSkate Coaches. It is recommended but not mandatory to take the Program Assistant training each year.


By-law 8                 Synchronized Skating



The Synchro coordinator is responsible for reporting any necessary issues involving synchronized skatingto the club's Board during monthly meetings.

Synchro Coach determines all teams, levels, and skaters and positions within the teams.

All teams will have a manager.  Managers will be given an electronic copy of the Synchro manager’s handbook. The board shall review the Synchro Mangers Handbook yearly.  Any financial requests will be done in writing to the club Board. Major changes to the Synchro skaters’ contracts are to be approved by the board before use.  All Synchro skaters must have signed a contract before joining the team.


Synchro is part of the Petawawa Skating Club, but shall strive to be financially self-sufficient, creating its own budget.







Appendix A





(Membership and all other club functions)


Participants Name: _____________________________________________________   

                                                                                     Please Print


It is understood and agreed, as a condition of participation in skating programs offered by the Petawawa Skating Club, Skate Canada, or any and all other clubs or facilities to which the Petawawa Skating Club operates it’s programs, that neither the Petawawa Skating Club, any other club or facility, nor Skate Canada shall be liable for any injury, loss or damage suffered by the above mention participant, guest or visitor, while travelling to and from or while participating in skating practices, competitions or other activities, however caused.


It is further agreed that the above participant gives consent to the use of his/her name and/or photograph for club promotional purposes in the media. The media includes newspapers, television, social media and the PSC website.


The participant, or his/her legal guardian who has signed this form, shall indemnify the Club and Skate Canada and hold them harmless for any claims, demands or actions arising from or in respect of such injury, loss or damage.

Please Print and Sign




____________________________________                        Date:____________________

    [Participant or Parent/Legal Guardian]





____________________________________                        Date:____________________

    [PSC Board Member/ Representative]


Appendix B


PSC Board of Directors Nomination Form


            This form is to be used for all nominations for the elected positions to the Petawawa Skating Club Board of Directors and for all other general meeting electoral processes.

            All nominees for any position on the board agree to and will abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Petawawa Skating Club and must show prior approval for the nomination by signing below as having accepted and agree to their name being submitted for candidate approval for election to the available position on the Board of Directors. All nominees’ names mustbe accompanied by a nominator’s signature.



Board of Directors Nominee:


I, _________________________, have agreed to accept the nomination for the position        (Print Nominees Name)

of ___________________________ on the PSC Board of Directors. If elected, I

(AvailableBoard Position)         

agree to abide by the PSC Constitution and Bylaws and all Board decisions.


Nominees Signature: __________________________


Date: __________________________


Nominated By:_____________________________________

(Please Print and Sign)






Appendix C


PSC Meeting Proxy Vote Form


            Listed below are the names of any and all persons who have consented to pass on their right and privilege of casting any and all eligible votes to the individual listed below.

            It is the responsibility of the proxy voting member to ensure the proper number of eligible votes are indicated on this form and are in accordance with the PSC Constitution  to a maximum of four (4) voters per proxy (Not including proxy form holder).


PSC Proxy Voting Form


I, _____________________ have the authority to vote on any and all issues brought

            (Print Name)


before the PSC on behalf of the eligible member(s) listed below:


Signature of above proxy voter:     ________________________________________


Signature and position of Board Member          : __________________________________          




(Please Print Info Below)


Members Name: _________________, SC Membership #____________ #


Votes/Household ___


Proxy Signers Agreement Signature: __________________________________



Members Name: _________________, SC Membership #____________ #


Votes/Household ___


Proxy Signers Agreement Signature: __________________________________









Appendix D


PSC Board of Directors and/or Committee Member Information Sheet


(Please print all information)




Name:  _____________________________________                  CLUB #:  1001190







Home Phone:  (     ) _______________________



Work Phone: (      ) ________________________


Email ___________________________________


If Circumstances Dictate may a Board Member call you at work?  Y___ or N ___



SC Membership # (If previously a SC member at anytime) ______________________



Position on the Board of Directors:_________________________________________


















Appendix E





SKATER’S NAME  ____________________________


SKATE CANADA # ________________


SESSION REGISTERED FOR  ___________________________


COMPETITION ATTENDING  ____________________________________


DATE _____________________            


LOCATION   _______________________________________





REGISTRATION FEE          ______________________


            TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED              ______________________ 



I certify the above expenses were incurred in order for the above named skater to attend the above named competition.





Signature Skater (if over 18) / Parent / Guardian






Appendix F



Guest Skating Instructions




To register and pay for guest skating;

  • You must first create an account,
  • Then go to the registration page,
  • Add product(s) Guest skating first hour,
  • Add any additional ½ increments to cart,
  • Then cash out.






Fee Structure:


  • $20.00 for the first 1 hour of ice time.
  • $5.00 per additional 30 minutes can be purchased.
























Appendix G


Code of Conduct


Failure to follow this Code of Conduct or SC Code of Ethics shall be subject to disciplinary action as per the Disciplinary Action section of the Club’s constitution.


Parents Code of Conduct

The Petawawa Skating Club, through Skate Canada, is committed to ensuring that all skaters have the opportunity to participate in a safe and welcoming environment that is encouraging and promotes their overall development. Parents have an enormous influence on skaters’ experiences in the sport. The quality of a skater’s experience is determined by their relationships with parents and the manner in which parents conduct themselves in the Skate Canada environment.

  • In this code “parents” shall refer to “parents and guardians”. This code applies to all parents who are members of Skate Canada or have children who are members of Skate Canada. Parents shall abide by this code at all times while participating in any Skate Canada club or school, competition, or activity.
  • All parents are expected to be a positive role model and conduct themselves in a responsible manner consistent with the values of fair play, integrity, open communication and mutual respect. Parents shall refrain from any behavior, or comments, which are profane, insulting, harassing, sexist, racist, abusive, disrespectful or otherwise offensive without hostility or violence.
  • Parents -- not the coaches -- are responsible for their children, and should be present during their child’s session, particularly at the lower levels. 
  • The skater’s parent should deal with inappropriate behavior, at that time.  In the absence of the parent, then the Session Representative should take the necessary action regarding the skater’s behavior.  If disciplinary action is appropriate, it will be taken by the Club Executive.
  • Parents, along with the professional coach and the athlete, shall be considered members of a team whose main concern is the child’s overall progress and development.
  • Parents shall ensure their son/daughter wears proper skating clothing and equipment.
  • Parents shall adhere to the policies, procedures, rules, standards, and ethics of Skate Canada at all times.






Skaters Code of Conduct

To ensure that participation in the Petawawa Skating Club is an enjoyable and safe experience, and to help the parents get value from the money they pay, we ask skaters, parents and coaches to observe the following.  We would ask parents and coaches to review these rules with their skaters:

  • Skaters should arrive ahead of the start of their session, and be changed and ready to go on the ice at the start of their session.   
  • Skaters must wear appropriate skating attire during regular sessions  – no jeans.
  • During skating tests, skaters must wear appropriate attire (check with your coach).
  • Gum, candy, food and drink are strictly prohibited from the ice surface.  Plastic water bottles are acceptable, but must be left at the boards.  Glass bottles are prohibited.
  • Profanity is strictly prohibited, in the dressing room and on the ice.
  • To ensure the safety of all skaters, it is very important that skaters be aware and watchful of those around them.  A collision between skaters could result in serious injury.   There is a particular risk of injury when younger skaters share the ice with older skaters. 
  • Skaters should be moving on the ice, unless they are waiting for the start of their program to be played.  (Skaters should not be standing around conversing with one another.)
  • Skaters must always look both ways when leaving the boards.
  • Skaters who fall should get up and out of the way of other skaters.  (No sitting on the ice.)
  • The coaches determine the music played, with priority in order of request. 
  • Skaters should be aware of the “right of away” priority should be given to skaters skating their solo for which their music is being played, then skaters receiving lesson from coaches.
  • We look to our senior skaters to be role models for our younger athletes, on and off the ice.














Appendix H






Program Assistant Guidelines for all Starskaters who are 11 or older.


"Applies to club skaters during the regular season only"

A Program Assistant is a skater that helps deliver the CanSkate program under the direction of a Skate Canada Professional Coaches

* All skaters in the Advanced/Starskate Program that are 11 years and older are required to Program Assist in the PreCan/Canskate Program.

* All skaters eligible will receive some kind of Program Assistant Training whether it is through the Club, by the CanSkate Coach or through the section. The Club will absorb any costs.

* Head coach will coordinate schedules. The PA’s are directly responsible to the Head Coach.

* Every month a schedule will be emailed to you if any changes.

* All skaters are to follow the schedule, however changes with sufficient notice are possible.

* Skaters are required to sign their name in the PA book each session they coach, it is the responsibility of the PA’S to pull out the book from the CanSkate tote or bag.

* Hours can go towards your high school volunteer hours or towards credit but not both at the same time.  End of each month the Head Coach will sign your hours if submitting to your high school.

* The PA’s shall abide by Club rules.

* Skaters who Do Notfulfill their PA duties will be considered in “not good standing with the club” and will not be able to receive any rewards or be able to test.

* PA duties are 10 sessions, 5 must be between Oct- Dec and 5 Jan- Mar

* Skaters who exceed expectations it may be possible to receive a credit towards your next skating year.

* Part time skaters are required to PA.

* PA’s are representing the Petawawa Skating Club as well as being role models for the younger skaters therefore they should be friendly and respectable and abide by all club rules.

* Pa’s experiencing any issues should seek guidance form a Skate Canada coach.


Dress Code

* Club jackets, Synchro jacket or any Black or blue jacket/sweatshirts and black pants or any skating skirt.

* no jeans or casual pants

* hair to be tied back from face

* no chewing gum

* plastic water bottles only

* no cell phones, i-pods, electronic devices, etc.



Appendix I    Expense Form



For Treasurer Use:


Received On


Cheque #


Total Value $


Date Paid




Petawawa Skating Club


Report Form



     Expense Against: (which program)




      Reason (hats, bags, paper, ink )





      Item(s) – attach receipts to the side






     Total Payable:









     Submitted by                                                         Signature









Note:  This Form must accompany all expense reimbursement requests. Receipts must be attached for expenses incurred.





Appendix J



For Treasurer Use:


Received On


Total Value $


Deposit Date




Petawawa Skating Club


Report Form



                        X $50=   _____________


                        X $20 = _____________


                        X $10 = _____________


                        X $ 5 = ______________


                        X $ 2 = ______________


                        X $ 1 = ______________



                        COIN =  _____________


            (       ) CHEQ’S ______________



                        TOTAL $_____________    














     Revenue To: (which program)                                    




      Reason (fundraising, donation)





       From (ie bake sale, Dr.Gallant)






     Total Deposit:










     Submitted by                                                         Signature









Note:  This Form must accompany all fundraising revenue being submitted for deposit.


Bottom Content Title

This is an additional section to be able to add content